起居与健康 春三月,此为发陈。天地俱生,万物以荣,夜卧早起,广步于庭,被发缓形,以使志生,生而勿杀,予而勿夺,赏而勿罚,此春气之应,养生之道也;逆之则伤肝,夏为实寒变,奉长者少。
子午流注 (古人认为气血周而复始通过经络灌注营养脏腑,现代称时间医学)
1. 卯时( 5点至7点 )大肠经旺
2. 辰时( 7点至9点 )胃经旺
3. 巳时(9点至11点 )脾经旺
4. 午时(11点至13点)心经旺,有利于周身血液循环,阴阳交替时刻,适当午休帮助恢复疲劳
5. 未时(13点至15点)小肠经旺
6. 申时(15点至17点)膀胱经旺
7. 酉时(17点至19点)肾经旺
8. 戌时(19点至21点)心包经旺
9. 亥时(21点至23点)三焦通百脉,人进入睡眠,百脉休养生息。阴阳交替时刻,最好不熬夜
10.子时(23点至1点 )胆经旺
11.丑时( 1点至3点 )肝经旺
12.寅时( 3点至5点 )肺经旺,将肝贮藏的新鲜血液输送百脉,迎接新的一天到来.
Those who know the way of keeping a good health in ancient times always kept in their behavior in daily life in accordance with the nature.They followed the principle of yin and yang and kept in conformity with the art of prophecy based on the interaction of Yin and Yang. They were able to modulate their daily life in harmony with the way of recuperating the essence and vital energy, thus they could master and practise the way of preserving a good health. They behaviours in daily life were all kept in regular patterns such as their food and drink were of fixed quantity, their daily activities were all in regular times. They never overworked. In this way, They could maintain both in the body and in the spirit substantiality, and were able to live to the age of more than one hundred years
「该帖子被 wishine 在 2009-3-22 14:42:48 编辑过」